B Corp
We are proud to have achieved B Corp status in June 2022, making us one of the first financial planning firms in the country to do so. Obtaining the Certification required a rigorous review of all of our processes, broken down into 5 sections: Governance, Environment, Workers, Community and finally Customers.
We are delighted to have scored 96.4 points on our first attempt at certification, making us comfortably over the minimum of 80 points. We scored particularly strongly on ‘customers’ and ‘workers’, demonstrating our already strong commitments to the welfare of our clients and our team. For more information about our score, you can click here.

What B Corp means to us
The creation of the B Corp certification was founded on the belief that the current economic system is imperfect. Most companies prioritise profit over purpose and that leads to negative externalities such as pollution and climate change, and inefficiencies such as lack of social mobility and severe wealth inequality.
The B Corp certification aims to help fix the issues above by changing the legal framework of how businesses operate. They believe that as well as profit, businesses should consider both people and planet in their decision making.
From day one, we have always prided ourselves on operating ethically, especially when it comes to putting our client’s interests above our own. We see B Corp Certification as a way to bring our high ethical standards into the 21st century.
We believe that, reducing harm or increasing positive impacts can often have little to no trade off when it comes to the bottom line and can even sometimes be mutually beneficial in terms of team morale and profitability. If this is the case, it is worth considering how we can operate better for the world.
We believe the B Corp certification process has too main benefits; it holds us accountable to higher standards than before; it also gives us a multitude of new ideas to implement, not least through connecting us to a community of likeminded firms in the B Corp network.
What’s next?
While we are pleased to have been awarded the Certification, our work does not stop here. All B Corps must recertify every three years, and while we are delighted with our initial score, it is our aim to show a notable improvement by the time for recertification comes around in 2025.
To see some of the things we have been working on over the last year you can view our latest impact report here: