I became Managing Partner in December 2021:
My focus is on the ongoing sustainability of the business as we create a legacy for future generations of both team members and clients. This expands my role overseeing compliance, processes and systems, keeping everything on an even keel and the engine room well oiled. Fundamentally ensuring we support our Financial Planning team in the delivery of the best possible outcomes for clients.
I’m passionate about ensuring we continually have the highest standards set.
I get the most satisfaction from the office running smoothly so the team can focus on what matters most: spending quality time with clients.
Before joining BpH Wealth:
I was Compliance and Operations Director for another financial planning firm. Prior to that I was a consultant with Standards International assessing financial planning firms and individual advisers against BS8577, BS8453 & ISO22222 as well as guiding practice managers through the Practice Management Certificate. Before that I was compliance manager for a national compliance consultancy firm.
Time with us:
I joined BpH Wealth in 2017.
Diploma in Financial Planning
In my spare time:
I enjoy long walks with my dog, cycling, swimming and, when I get the chance, I like to canoe off the Cornish coast. I also like reading, watching rugby, squash and going to small music gigs.