I lead the client services administration team:
I ensure we have excellent processes in place to provide a smooth and efficient service. I also provide support to Michael Freedman, Phillip Arbon and Rachel Jones making sure that they have everything they need to provide an efficient and professional service to our clients. This includes the preparation of, and subsequent follow up for, our client review meetings; and preparing the rebalancing of clients’ asset allocations within their portfolios.
I like things to be neat, consistent, well presented and meaningful to our clients and, I enjoy the wonderful relationships that I have developed with many of our clients over the years.
I run our staff social club and enjoy arranging a variety of outings, which have ranged from a quick game of ten pin bowling to a flight in a hot air balloon, or day trips to nearby foreign locations.
I have been with BpH Wealth since November 1999:
Before that, I spent 12 years in the IFA-servicing arm of Prudential, based in St Albans, and it was during that time that I first met Michael Freedman and Simon Brown. In 1997, this part of Prudential closed. One of the consultants there set up his own IFA firm from his home in North Finchley, and I spent 18 months helping him to establish his business. From there I joined BpH Wealth where I enjoy the friendly, family-orientated atmosphere.
CII Certificate in Financial Services
CII Certificate in Life and Pensions
In my spare time:
I enjoy spending time with my family (which includes my cat!) and friends. I also enjoy getting away on holidays, in particular I like to make sure that I at least get away for a week skiing, I especially love being in Austria. I make time to go to the gym and enjoy taking part in pilates and body balance classes (the latter is a combination of tai chi, yoga and pilates), I also like to swim and cycle. I enjoy my garden, “doing up” my house, and photography.